A coalition of Victorian groups campaigning for rights for refugees in Australia

Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees 2018

The  2018 Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees is on March 25, at the State Library Melbourne (Corner Swanston & Elizabeth Streets) at 2.00pm. With music and “Warm up” activities from 1.30 PM The Walk will be starting at the State Library and take a route that returns to finish at the State Library. Confirmed speakers for the event in Melbourne include: Tim Costello, Chief Advocate World Vision Australia Abdul Aziz Adam live from Manus Island. Aziz is a…

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2017 Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees

The 2017 Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees will be on Sunday 9th April, 2017 starting at the State Library of Victoria. We kick off with music at 1.30pm and with speakers at 2.00pm before walking. Flyers for the event will be available shortly, but in the meantime please follow the Facebook event page here

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Palm Sunday 2016 #Walk4Justice: A Great day in Melbourne

Thousands of Melbournians joined the #Walk4Justice on Palm Sunday 2016. Adding their voice to the calls to Close Manus and Nauru, provide permanent protection and to free refugees from mandatory detention. People from all walks of life including health workers, teachers, office workers, factory workers, unionists, religious groups, grandparents, parents, students and more combined to send a message to the Australian government to #LetThemStay and #BringThemHere. Support for refugees is simply a call for fair treatment for people in need.…

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Economic Migrants or Refugees? Research and Facts from RCOA

For many years, Australian politicians and other public figures have debated whether or not asylum seekers reaching Australia by boat have serious claims for refugee protection or are merely “economic migrants”. To answer this question, the Refugee Council of Australia has analysed Australian Government statistics about visa outcomes for boat arrivals from 1976 to 30 June 2015 – and found that 81% of those who arrived by boat seeking asylum in Australia were found to be refugees. Find our more…

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Grandmothers Against Detention: Freedom Ride to Canberra

Dear Grandmothers and Friends of Grandmothers. We are going to tell our elected representatives we will NOT stand by and allow the detention of babies, children, and their families. WE will NOT stand by and watch 267 asylum-seekers in Australia be returned to Nauru – babies, children and families. We’ve participated in numerous rallies, vigils, walks, chants and postcard and letter-writing campaigns. Now we’re heading for Federal Parliament. We’re going to insist that incarcerating children breaks our international obligations under…

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