cost of detention

Australian Greens logo

New ‘asylum seeker syndrome’ is avoidable with time limits on detention: Greens

A new psychological condition diagnosed among asylum seekers held in indefinite detention is further evidence of the need to put time-limits on detention and close remote and isolated detention centres, the Australian Greens said today. “The discovery of this new mental illness syndrome is nothing for Australia to be proud of,” Greens’ immigration spokesperson, Sen. Sarah Hanson-Young, said. “It is saddening to learn that this new condition is being created because of the long-term and indefinite detention of vulnerable people…

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Summary of 2012-13 Federal Budget measures affecting refugees

KEY POINTS The Refugee and Humanitarian Program will remain static at 13,750 places The Government will be seeking the community’s views on the feasibility of introducing a private sponsorship pilot program to enhance the humanitarian program. Government funding for refugee and migrant settlement services will total $334.4 million, an increase of just 1.4%. There will be a decrease in funding for the Humanitarian Settlement Services (HSS) program, primarily as a result of capping the maximum level of humanitarian settlement services to…

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Sign the petition to end mandatory detention

Act For Peace are calling for people to sign their petition to end mandatory detention.  Click on the link below to add your voice. Petition to end mandatory detention World Wide Statistics (UNHCR, 2008): • There are an estimated 15.2 million refugees, 26 million IDPs and 827,000 asylum seekers waiting to be processed, worldwide. 6.6 million people are considered stateless; that is, they have no country that recognises them as citizens. The UN refers to these people as ‘people of…

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Australian Greens logo

Immigration Dept’s budget blow out was avoidable with time limits and more community release places: Greens

The blow out of more than $1 billion dollars in the Immigration Department’s budget was avoidable had the government finally put time limits on detention and increased community release places, the Australian Greens said today. “The annual average cost of a community release programme is $10,400 per person, compared to more than $137,000 if an asylum seeker is kept indefinitely in a detention centre,” Greens’ immigration spokesperson, Sen. Sarah Hanson-Young, said. “Detention centre operating costs are of course higher for…

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Australian Greens logo

Reduce Immigration Dept’s slice of budget spending with detention time limits and more community release places: Greens

The government can trim the Immigration Department’s budget from blowing out in the vicinity of $3 billion this Tuesday by putting time limits on detention and funding more community release places for asylum seekers, the Australian Greens say. “It’s 90 percent cheaper and 100 percent fairer for asylum seekers to live in the community once health and security checks prove it’s safe than warehousing them in detention centres,” Greens’ immigration spokesperson, Sarah Hanson-Young, said today. “Given community release schemes cost…

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