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Hollow promises as Government and Abbott Coalition unite to vote down increasing humanitarian intake

The Government’s unfulfilled promises to increase Australia’s humanitarian intake and give refugees safety in our region were on stark display today as those recommendations were voted down by the major parties in the Senate, said the Australian Greens. “Despite the rush of getting the ‘Gillard Pacific Solution” legislation through Parliament last week, the government is dragging its feet to the point of standstill when it comes to other critical humanitarian measures identified by the Houston Panel” said Greens immigration spokesperson…

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Greens position on asylum seekers explained

Leader of the Australian Greens Senator Christine Milne, Greens Immigration and Human Rights spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young and Pamela Curr, campaign coordinator at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre held a press conference in Melbourne Thursday to launch a new video featuring Afghan refugee Najeeba Wazefadost. They commented on the Greens’ and the refugee sector’s push for safer pathways for refugees ahead of the Expert Panel handing down their recommendations next week, and called on the government to compromise on their…

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Coalition policy on asylum is all politics with no responsibility

Tony Abbott’s refusal to participate in the Multi-Party Reference Group shows the Coalition has no intention of saving lives, the Australian Greens said today. “Tony Abbott has no intention of helping refugees, but is only interested in continuing to play politics with the lives of these vulnerable people, even at the expense of our own navy officers’ safety” said Greens Immigration spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said today. “The Coalition’s policy of turning back boats and taking away their fuel shows they…

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Greens take proposal for safer pathways to cross-party meeting on refugees

After consultations with experts in refugee law and protection from the Asia-Pacific region, the Greens will this morning work with concerned parliamentarians to begin negotiating a way through the current impasse on immigration policy. “The Greens approach these talks with ideas we’ve gathered from our discussions with refugee experts from across the region including Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia,” Greens’ immigration spokesperson, Sen. Sarah Hanson-Young, said. “In talks with Asia-Pacific humanitarian and refugee agencies yesterday representatives urged Australia to uphold our…

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