Protection sidelined in rush to implement deterrence

The Australian Government’s interest in the refugee protection measures recommended by the Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers has not matched its haste to implement the Panel’s recommendations on deterrence, the Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) says. RCOA CEO Paul Power said that the political debate and the activity within the Parliament since Monday’s release of the Expert Panel report had focused almost exclusively on just three of the Expert Panel’s 22 recommendations – those related to re-establishing forced transfers of asylum seekers to Nauru and Manus…

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Asylum Seekers lost in the maelstrom of debate

MEDIA RELEASE Asylum Seekers lost in the maelstrom of debate The most significant individuals lost in last week’s furious parliamentary debate were asylum seekers. As members of the Brigidine Asylum Seekers’ Project, we talk to many asylum seekers, both in Immigration Detention Centres and in the community. They tell us the reasons why they have left their countries and their families to find a safe place to live. These reasons always include fear of being tortured, imprisoned and killed, and…

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Refugee Action Collective reiterates its strong opposition to all offshore processing

The Refugee Action Collective condemns the Gillard Labor government’s support for the bill moved by Rob Oakeshott that passed through the lower house tonight, Wednesday, the 27th of June. RAC condemns the opportunism of both sides of parliament, seeking to gain politically out of two boat disasters in the last week. Offshore processing does not protect lives, but seeks to deter asylum seekers from fleeing to save them. Gillard hopes to deter refugees from getting on boats by dumping boat…

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Greens take proposal for safer pathways to cross-party meeting on refugees

After consultations with experts in refugee law and protection from the Asia-Pacific region, the Greens will this morning work with concerned parliamentarians to begin negotiating a way through the current impasse on immigration policy. “The Greens approach these talks with ideas we’ve gathered from our discussions with refugee experts from across the region including Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia,” Greens’ immigration spokesperson, Sen. Sarah Hanson-Young, said. “In talks with Asia-Pacific humanitarian and refugee agencies yesterday representatives urged Australia to uphold our…

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INDONESIA: Asylum seekers take to boats out of frustration

PUCAK, 22 June 2012 (IRIN) – Refugees and asylum seekers in Indonesia, many of whom fled persecution and conflict in their home countries, say they are being driven to get on boats for Australia out of frustration with the resettlement process. “It’s been two years that I have been here. How long am I supposed to wait?” asked Liaqat Ali Yousufi, 32, an ethnic Hazara from Afghanistan’s eastern Ghazni Province, who was registered as a refugee in November 2011 and…

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