children in detention

Combined Refugee Action Group Geelong Supports Offers of Sanctuary

The Combined Refugee Action Group is deeply disappointed at the recent High Court judgement that will return many vulnerable people to filthy, fearful, punitive conditions in offshore detention at Nauru. The children and families affected by this judgement have done no wrong and do not deserve to be returned to conditions where they are routinely humiliated and abused. We welcome recent announcements by churches around the country with respect to the concept and practice of “sanctuary” and stand ready to…

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Refugee Action Collective - Victoria logo

Turnbull must accept Andrews offer as a first step to closing Nauru and Manus.

‘The Refugee Action Collective welcomes the Andrews Labor government’s written offer to Prime Minister Turnbull to resettle all children and their families at risk of being sent back to Nauru. Federal ALP opposition leader Bill Shorten should take note and abandon support for offshore processing and associated cruelty to refugees,’ said Chris Breen for the Refugee Action Collective. ‘We also call on the Andrews government to clarify whether the offer extends to those without children, to the couples, single men…

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Scott Morrison questioned at children in detention inquiry

Welcome to our rolling coverage of the inquiry’s hearing in Canberra on Friday. The immigration minister, Scott Morrison, is due to give evidence at 9.15am AEST. Other witnesses set to face the hearing later in the day are Paris Aristotle and Nicholas Procter, of the minister’s council on asylum seekers and detention, and Deborah Homewood, managing director of MAXimus Solutions, which is responsible for providing support to unaccompanied children in immigration detention. Updated at 10.08am AEST 9.12am AEST The president of the…

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Refugee Action Collective - Victoria logo


GOVERNMENT DISCRIMINATION OVER NAURU TRANSFERS With the arrival of three more asylum boats in the last 24 hours, the total number of asylum seekers reaching Australia since 13 August is now over 2100 – enough to fill both Nauru and Manus Island. “The Minister’s announcement that asylum seekers will be moved to Nauru is just shabby political posturing,” said Ian Rintoul speaking on behalf of the Refugee Action Coalition. “Chris Bowen has already said that neither Nauru nor Manus Island…

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