A coalition of Victorian groups campaigning for rights for refugees in Australia

MEDIA ALERT: Refugee groups unite to protest against mandatory detention

NOVEMBER 3 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Over 35 refugee, humanitarian and community groups are backing the protest this Sunday November 7 in opposition to the mandatory detention of asylum seekers. The rally, which will begin at the State Library at 2pm and march to Federation Square will be addressed by a range of speakers including Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young. The event has been called by the Refugee Advocacy Network (RAN), the coalition of organisations that organised the 3,000 strong march…

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Government announcement won’t stop refugee rally from going ahead

MEDIA RELEASE The federal government’s October 18 announcement gives the impression that families and children will all be released from detention. This impression isn’t accurate. “While it is better that some children and families will be released from the detention centres, they will still be in detention. The minister’s statement indicates that they will be subject to curfews, regular reporting to authorities and limits as to where they can live,” said Refugee Advocacy Network spokesperson Sue Bolton. “The government also…

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