A coalition of Victorian groups campaigning for rights for refugees in Australia


Join us at this important FORUM on Saturday 10 September:  2.00pm-3.15pm AEST Attend ONLINE, or IN PERSON at St Paul’s Cathedral, corner Swanston & Flinders Street, Melbourne.   All attendees are asked to register by Friday 9 September. After registering, you will receive confirmation email containing the link to join the online forum. Book your ticket here:   https://www.trybooking.com/CBUVP Or scan the following QR code Our special guests in this forum will compare and contrast the way Australia and New Zealand have responded to people who have…

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Freedom Street Film Documentary – Sunday 19th June 2022

This new documentary has received several awards already. Its Melbourne Premiere will be at Bridge Darebin Community Hall, 99 Leinster Grove, Thornbury on SUNDAY 19 JUNE and will be followed by a Q and A discussion with the director, Alfred Pek. The film is designed to raise awareness of how Australia’s ‘border protection’ policies have impacted 14,000 refugees who have been trapped in Indonesia for up to a decade without basic rights and with no prospect of re-settlement. Click here for details and tickets

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Join the Melbourne Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees on Sunday 10 April from 1.30pm at the State Library, Swanston Street.  Facebook event is here: https://fb.me/e/11WCiGAAy  – please share!  See poster and leaflet here. Also join the ONLINE FORUM: Fair Go for Refugees: Australia can do better – Australia is failing refugees: what a decent approach would look like.     Wednesday 6 April, 7pm – 8.15pm AEST.  REGISTER here:   https://amnestyau.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpceyvqz8rGN04nQ7rAQOn5hi9PRdranbe    with Abbas Nazari (Tampa refugee) and Craig Foster, advocate for refugees.  See further detail below.  Share on Facebook: https://fb.me/e/1DfGgHyMw See listing of other…

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Park Hotel Refugee Action

Medical evacuation of refugees from Park Hotel in Carlton The situation for more than 40 refugees held in the hotel is alarming.    It is confirmed that at least 20 of the men now have Covid – one has been hospitalised.  The remaining men are at high risk of also getting Covid.     Send an email to urge the Victoria Government to demand proper care and quarantine arrangements for these men.   Victorian Minister for Health – The Hon Martin Foley MP    martin.foley@parliament.vic.gov.au…

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Income Safety Net

Sample social media posts for #Nobody Left Behind & RCOA research report December 2020 Refugee Council of Australia has released new report RCOA data summary   revealing the shocking increase of homelessness and hunger amongst people seeking asylum in Australia.  Listen to coverage on RN’s breakfast show here: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/breakfast/asylum-seekers-left-behind-in-covid-recovery/12996902 .  Email senator.ruston@aph.gov.au to ask her to provide basic income support for people seeking asylum, today – this is the easy and affordable fix.  Phone: 1300 857 022  #NobodyLeftBehind ———— “Can you believe that in Australia right now, children are…

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