Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

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Reduce Immigration Dept’s slice of budget spending with detention time limits and more community release places: Greens

The government can trim the Immigration Department’s budget from blowing out in the vicinity of $3 billion this Tuesday by putting time limits on detention and funding more community release places for asylum seekers, the Australian Greens say. “It’s 90 percent cheaper and 100 percent fairer for asylum seekers to live in the community once health and security checks prove it’s safe than warehousing them in detention centres,” Greens’ immigration spokesperson, Sarah Hanson-Young, said today. “Given community release schemes cost…

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Home placement scheme for asylum seekers compassionate and cheaper way to care for refugees: Greens

The Gillard government’s offer of payments to Australians who want to house asylum seekers is a compassionate move that will improve the mental health of fragile people and save taxpayers money, the Greens said today. “The Greens are pleased the Immigration Department sees the sense of a home placement scheme, which is a better use of public money than keeping asylum seekers detained indefinitely while their protection claims are assessed,” Greens’ immigration spokesperson, Sen. Sarah Hanson-Young, said. “Various forms of…

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Govt review of 24 Indonesian kids’ cases long overdue and now the law must be changed: Greens

The Australian Greens are relieved the Attorney-General has finally agreed to review the cases of 24 convicted Indonesian boat crew who may be children. The Greens have renewed calls on the government to back Greens’ legislation already before the parliament to ensure no child is locked in an adult prison. “Any child found to be imprisoned in an adult jail must be released and sent home to their family with a sincere apology,” Greens’ immigration and human rights spokesperson, Sen.…

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Bowen maintains shameful policy of keeping 428 asylum seeker children detained: Greens

Figures showing 428 children remain detained demonstrate the Immigration Minister continues to flout our international obligations and neglects his duty as legal guardian to act in their best interests, the Australian Greens said today. “Australia is still punishing, rather than protecting, vulnerable children by locking them up simply because they have fled war, torture and persecution,” Greens’ immigration spokesperson, Sen. Sarah Hanson-Young, said. “We must change the law because children are being detained as a matter of course and the…

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Abbott speech shows Coalition can’t accept reality on asylum seekers: Greens

Tony Abbott has today shown he can’t accept reality and is stuck in the past by maintaining his dogma which breaches international law and punishes people rather than protects them, the Australian Greens said. “Mr Abbott keeps bleating his mantra about turning back boats and reinstating temporary protection visas, despite knowing full well their ramifications,” Greens’ immigration spokesperson, Sen. Sarah Hanson-Young, said. “The navy says it will not turn boats around because it is well aware of Australia’s responsibilities under…

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